DIY Garage Door Repairs: What You Can Fix and When to Call a Professional

July 17, 2023
Stuck Garage Door

In today’s DIY culture, tackling home repairs can be both cost-effective and satisfying. However, not all garage door issues are suitable for a do-it-yourself approach. Understanding what you can safely fix yourself and when it’s best to call in a professional can save you time, money, and potential injury. Let’s delve into the world of garage door repairs and see what’s in your wheelhouse and when you should seek expert help.

Common DIY Fixes for Garage Doors

1. Tightening Loose Hardware

Garage doors move up and down several times a day, causing vibrations that can loosen hardware over time. Regularly inspect and tighten all roller brackets and bolts using a socket wrench. This small maintenance task can prevent bigger problems down the line and keeps your door running smoothly.

2. Lubricating Moving Parts

A squeaky garage door can be annoying, but it’s often an easy fix. Lubricate the door’s moving parts to reduce friction and noise. Use a high-quality silicone spray or white lithium grease on the rollers, hinges, and tracks. Avoid using WD-40 as it can attract dirt and cause further issues.

3. Replacing Weather Stripping

Damaged weather stripping can let in cold air, dirt, and pests. Replacing it is a straightforward task. Simply remove the old strip from the bottom of the door and slide in a new one. This not only improves insulation but also helps in maintaining the door’s efficiency.

4. Aligning Safety Sensors

If your garage door reverses before hitting the floor, your safety sensors might be misaligned. These sensors are located on either side of the door, near the ground. Ensure they are properly aligned and free of obstructions. Cleaning the sensor lenses with a soft cloth can also improve performance.

When to Call a Professional

1. Broken Springs

Garage door springs are under immense tension and can be extremely dangerous to replace without proper training. If your garage door isn’t opening, or if you hear a loud bang followed by the door failing to move, a broken spring is likely the culprit. This repair is best left to professionals who have the right tools and expertise.

2. Damaged Panels

While minor dents and dings can be fixed with a rubber mallet, severely damaged panels usually require professional attention. Not only does this ensure the aesthetic appeal of your door, but it also maintains its structural integrity. A professional can assess whether a panel can be repaired or needs to be replaced entirely.

3. Track Issues

If your garage door is off its tracks or the tracks are bent, it’s time to call in the experts. Attempting to fix these issues yourself can lead to further damage or even injury. Professionals have the know-how to realign and repair tracks safely and efficiently.

4. Motor Problems

Garage door openers are complex devices with many moving parts. If your opener is malfunctioning, it’s best to consult a professional. They can diagnose the issue, whether it’s a faulty motor, circuit board, or another component, and perform the necessary repairs or replacements.

Balancing DIY and Professional Help

Taking on DIY garage door repairs can be empowering and cost-effective, but knowing your limits is crucial. Simple tasks like tightening hardware, lubricating parts, and replacing weather stripping are well within the capabilities of most homeowners. However, when it comes to more complex and dangerous issues like broken springs, damaged panels, track problems, or motor failures, professional intervention is essential.

The Hidden Costs of DIY

While DIY repairs can save money upfront, they can sometimes lead to more significant expenses if not done correctly. Misaligned tracks or improperly installed parts can cause further damage to the door or opener. Additionally, the risk of injury is a serious consideration. Professionals not only have the training to handle these repairs safely but can also offer warranties on their work, providing peace of mind.

Conclusion: Know When to Ask for Help

DIY garage door repairs offer a great way to maintain your home and save money, but it’s essential to know your limits. While you can handle basic maintenance and minor repairs, don’t hesitate to call a professional for more complicated issues. After all, ensuring your garage door operates smoothly and safely is worth the investment.